Energy Work
Energy Work / Intuitive Services
Energy Coaching /
Intuitive Readings
60min / 99€ (norm)
120min / 180€ (norm)
60min/ 80€
120min / 150€
Emotional Healing / Opening Up Your Intuition / Alignment / Clearing Energy Blocks / Opening Up Your Creativity / Letting Go Unaligned Relationships / Manifesting Your Dreams / Healing Your Relationship With Your Body / Relationship With Food / True Self-love / Finding Life Purpose / Body Image / Passion For Life / Love & Relationships / Finding Everyday Magic & Joy / Creating Life That Looks And Feels Like You / Conscious Break Up / Finding Your Tribe / Finding Peace Of Mind / Better Sleep
Energy Coaching / Intuitive Readings are suitable for those who need support or guidance in their lives related to different themes that they have not come up with an answer to themselves or feel stuck in a situation that they cannot seem to move forward from on their own. Or for those who want to elevate their life to a next level on some area - or all areas - of their life. You can ask questions related to specific areas of life, such as creativity, relationships, work, health, or anything else, and you will hear a higher consciousness perspective and a clear plan for the next practical steps that will lead you towards your goals and dreams. It is very important that you come with an open mind and an open heart, because change, the new "me", requires giving up old thought patterns and beliefs. However, this process is the best thing you can do for yourself, I swear it. One decision can change your whole life.
Everything affects everything so once you start working on one area, the other ones follow. That's how universe works: once you are aligned with your soul, everything starts to fall into place. So whether you wish to activate your creativity or other hidden gifts, work on your spiritual growth, heal your relationship with yourself/your body/people around you, learn how to manifest your dream life, find peace of mind, release fears, open your intuitive gifts, clear your energy blocks etc - this is for you. The purpose of these sessions is to activate your own ability to tune into your own heart and soul, your own intuition since there is no one way to live a perfect life or one way to heal. In the end, you don't actually need anyone's guidance when you learn to get it yourself from your own soul. But until you get there, I'm here to help. My passion is to share everything I've learned and give practical tools that help people change their lives for the better.
During our sessions you'll get to realize what kind of energy you are vibrating at the moment and what you are creating in your life based on that energy. You'll recognize if you have some energy blocks that are keeping you from manifesting your dreams or that are keeping you feeling stuck in life. To change your energy, thoughts and beliefs so it's really important that you are coming to this with open mind and heart.
These sessions will awaken your intuition for sure since when you start working on yourself, the magic that is inside of you will activate automatically. It's the law of the Universe. What you focus on, grows. I'm just here to help you remember and awaken those gifts. My passion is to make your life and living in alignment as inspiring, fun and effortless as possible and give practical pure guidance that help you make aligned life choices and take steps towards your dream life.
These sessions are available either face to face (at my studio in Ullanlinna, Helsinki ) or via phone / video calls. If possible, I recommend having the first mentoring session face to face since that way we can form an even better connection and also, the energy can be felt even clearer and you'll feel the shift in your vibration immediately.
You can only book individual sessions or book a weekly session or a session every other week etc. You can pay separately for each time or buy a slightly cheaper serial card.
You can book a session by buying the suitable session/serial card at my online shop and then I'll contact you to set the suitable time. To the online shop >
Or you can send me a message to book a session and then pay later by MobilePay, card or Invoice before the session starts.
Message me:
12-week Intensive Transformation Journey
With Your Own Travel Guide
(duration 12 weeks
ie. 200€/week)
incl. 1h session every week or 2h every other week
+ messaging during the process Mon-Fri
Emotional Healing / Opening Up Your Intuition / Alignment / Clearing Energy Blocks / Opening Up Your Creativity / Letting Go Unaligned Relationships / Manifesting Your Dreams / Healing Your Relationship With Your Body / Relationship With Food / True Self-love / Finding Life Purpose / Body Image / Passion For Life / Love & Relationships / Finding Everyday Magic & Joy / Creating Life That Looks And Feels Like You / Conscious Break Up / Finding Your Tribe / Finding Peace Of Mind / Better Sleep